April Madness: Zero Service Fee!Hire Temp Staff with Ease – Post a Shift Today!

Temporary Placement Services:

A flat service fee is charged per shift. Job Seekers will be paid by Job Posters at an hourly rate agreed with Job Seeker in the Marketplace. The Job Poster is responsible for paying any applicable taxes, State, Federal, and Local, for the Job Seeker. The sole and only responsibility of Kolligate is to make the connection between the Job Seeker and Job Poster.

Assistants, Front Office staff, Externs and Volunteers: $99
Hygienists, Associate Dentists and Specialists: $119
Permanent Placement Services
Permanent Placement Services

kolligate provides Job Posters the option to permanently hire Job Seekers who have worked with them for temp shifts in the past 12 months through the platform. Part time is 1-2 days/wk. Full-time is 3-5 days/wk. If a part time hire transitions to full time within 90 days, then the full-time fee is applicable. Fees listed apply to permanent employment only. Kolligate charges a flat fee for each role:

A Job Poster will get 10% discount when they notify Kolligate at support@kolligate.com and provide proof of a permanent hire within ten (10) calendar days of hiring the employee. The discount only applies when the Job Poster informs Kolligate of the permanent hire. Failure to notify Kolligate nullifies any potential discount. Kolligate can deny the discount at any time and for any reason.

Role Part Time Full Time
Dental Assistants $1895 $2645
Business Staff $1895 $2645
Dental Hygienists $2895 $3845
Dentists (Associateship) $4445 $5745
Dentists (Partnership or Purchase) $9945 $9945